Our Know-how for Your Success.
TEWS Method
3 different layers of the same material with a typical 1 Parameter Method:
Each layer increases the moisture → misleading results
3 layers of same material show the same moisture, the density is recognized and
moisture result compensated → correct results
Measurably Better at A Glance.
Please check the survey of inline moisture measuring methods. And see how your business runs better with our high performance solutions. A patented technique, most universally applicable.
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Microwave Oven vs. TEWS Microwave.
The TEWS MW-Value
Through the low power of TEWS microwaves water molecules are scrutinized and detected. While those water molecules change the TEWS measuring frequency energy is absorbed from the low powered field that, in turn, is caused by the TEWS microwaves. That procedure leads to results in terms of the change of the frequency as well as the change of the amplitude.
Decisive questions can be answered with a direct impact on our client´s businesses, namely - How much water is in the product; what is the density and/or the weight of the product?
The result of the overall calculation: we call the TEWS MW-Value, defined as the density compensated or density independent moisture related value of our client´s product (in the case of the moisture measurement)
The Last Step: The Calibration.
Calibration is the key that connects the TEWS value with the regular results in classic labs. It simply needs only a few lab results and the TEWS solution system automatically calculates the precise density and moisture value, independently and inline with the temperature given.
Measurably Better at A Glance.
Please check the survey of inline moisture measuring methods.
And see how your business runs better with our high performance solutions. A patented technique, most universally applicable.

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